Self-Directed Learning: An imperative for education in a complex society2021 Published, Dorothy Laubscher, Elsa Mentz, Humanities and Social Sciences, Jako Olivier, NWU Self-directed Learning Series
The gift of life: Towards an ethic of flourishing personhood2021 Published, JM Vorster, Theological and Religious Studies
Learning for a Better Future: Perspectives on Higher Education, Cities, Business & Civil Society2021 Published, Center for Local Economic Development: Topics in Local Development, Economic and Management Sciences, Marius Venter, Suzanne Hattingh
Functional fitness for adults living with Down syndrome2021 Published, Health and Veterinary Sciences, Pieter-Henk Boer
Discipline in Education: Some less frequently explored issues2021 Published, Humanities and Social Sciences, Johan Botha, NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity Series
Cities, Space and Power2020, Amira Osman, Science, Engineering and Technology, The Built Environment in Emerging Economies (BEinEE): Cities, Space and Transformation
Integrated transboundary water-climate management tools2020, Nnenesi A. Kgabi, Science, Engineering and Technology, Water Security and Climate Adaptation in Southern Africa
Contested body: Metaphors of dominion in Romans 5-82020, Annette Potgieter, HTS Religion & Society Series, Theological and Religious Studies
Healer: Reception of Jesus as healer during Early Christianity and Today2020, HTS Religion & Society Series, Theological and Religious Studies, Zorodzai Dube
Collaborative capacity development to complement stroke rehabilitation in Africa2020, Health and Veterinary Sciences, Human Functioning, Technology and Health, Quinette Louw
Life in Transit: Theological and Ethical Contributions on Migration2020, Adriaan Louis Rheeder, Mamorena Matsoso, Reformed Theology in Africa Series, Theological and Religious Studies