Trading Justice for Peace? Reframing Reconciliation in TRC Processes in South Africa, Canada and Nordic Countries2021 Published, Demaine Solomons, Paulette Regan, Sigríður Guðmarsdóttir, Theological and Religious Studies
Reconceptualising education support services in South Africa2021 Published, Humanities and Social Sciences, Johnnie Hay, Macalane J. Malindi, Thabo Makhalemele
Financial inclusion: Basic theories and empirical evidence from African countries2021 Published, Economic and Management Sciences, Munacinga C. Simatele
Higher Education in the melting pot: Emerging discourses of the 4IR and Decolonisation2021 Published, Disruptions in higher education: Impact and implication, Felix Maringe, Humanities and Social Sciences
Taking a Deep Breath for the Story to Begin …2021 Published, An Earthed Faith: Telling the Story amid the 'Anthropocene', Ernst M. Conradie, Pan-Chiu Lai, Theological and Religious Studies
We cannot continue like this: Facing modernity in Africa and Europe2021 Published, Attie S. van Niekerk, Sytse Strijbos, Theological and Religious Studies
A critical engagement with theological education in Africa: A South African perspective2021 Published, Alfred R Brunsdon, Johannes J. Knoetze, Reformed Theology in Africa Series, Theological and Religious Studies
Facing homelessness: Finding inclusionary, collaborative solutions2021 Published, Rehana Vally, Stephan de Beer, Theological and Religious Studies
Quality education: The nexus of human capital development, economic growth and social justice in a South African context2021 Published, Humanities and Social Sciences, Martha Matashu, Muchativugwa L. Hove
Mission moves: Cultivating communities of the Gospel2021 Published, Malan Nel, Theological and Religious Studies
Prosperity ethics: Habits and virtues of smart people in a changing world2021 Published, JM Vorster, Johann Walters, Theological and Religious Studies
Biblical Theology of Life in the New Testament2021 Published, Albert J Coetsee, Francois P Viljoen, HTS Religion & Society Series, Theological and Religious Studies