The influence of labour legislation on job creation and job sustainability in South Africa is an open-access book published by AOSIS.
This scholarly book focuses on the issue of high unemployment and the challenges related thereto in South Africa. It demonstrates the urgent need for research into the contribution of job creation to poverty alleviation and economic growth. This research is relevant from a legal, economic and social sciences point of view. The main thesis of the book is to explore the influence of labour legislation on job creation. It investigates sustainability regarding employment relationships through the lens of the two primary participants: business and organised labour. This book adds value to the social justice context from both a societal and business point of view. It provides business and unionised labour a voice from which the influence of labour legislation on job creation and job sustainability can be addressed.
Copyright © 2020 Anna J.C. Womack (Author)
A well-researched and informative book that is more relevant than ever in these economically tumultuous times. Womack tackles the influence of labour
legislation on job creation and sustainability brilliantly! The writing style utilised by the author is so straightforward and simple to follow that every single point being made comes through. The author has brilliantly managed to steer clear of legalese and unnecessary verbosity, making the manuscript easy to follow and
understandable. Through this read, Womack explores a fundamental part of our lives, jobs and livelihoods in such an informative manner. She incorporates the
voices of business and Trade Unions, two of the most important role players within the labour market. This fresh perspective provides valuable insights into
the attitudes of business and Trade Unions with regard to the influence that labour legislation has on job creation and sustainability. The book explores not only
the impact of labour legislation but other factors that also play a role within the labour market. Womack blends various subjects in this multi-disciplinary study,
which provides a broad-brimmed understanding with regard to the job market and its workings. I highly recommend that legal scholars, economists and social
scientists within the labour market read this brilliant manuscript.
Prof. Simbarashe Tavuyanago, Department of Mercantile Law,
Faculty of Law, University of the Free State,
Bloemfontein, South Africa