Teaching Learners with Visual Impairment2020, Humanities and Social Sciences, Maximus M. Sefotho, Opening Eyes, Ronél Ferreira
Leadership for change: Developing transformational student leaders through global learning spaces2020, Humanities and Social Sciences
Understanding Education for the Visually Impaired2020, Humanities and Social Sciences, Maximus M. Sefotho, Opening Eyes, Ronél Ferreira
Education Studies in South Africa: The Quest for Relevance, Rigour and Restructuring2020, Charl C Wolhuter, Humanities and Social Sciences
Self-directed multimodal learning in higher education2020, Humanities and Social Sciences, NWU Self-directed Learning Series
Leadership Approaches to Negotiate Challenges in a Changing Education Landscape2020, Charl C Wolhuter, Humanities and Social Sciences, Kobus Mentz, Leentjie van Jaarsveld
The Influence of Labour Legislation on Job Creation and Job Sustainability in South Africa2020, Anna J.C. Womack, Humanities and Social Sciences
Critical Issues in South African Education: Illumination from international comparative perspectives from the BRICS countries2020, BRICS Education, Charl C Wolhuter, Humanities and Social Sciences
Becoming a Teacher: Research on the work-integrated learning of student teachers2020, Herman J. van Vuuren, Humanities and Social Sciences, Josef de Beer, Neal Petersen, NWU Self-directed Learning Series
Self-directed learning research and its impact on educational practice2020, Elsa Mentz, Humanities and Social Sciences, NWU Self-directed Learning Series, Roxanne Bailey
A New Dawn2020, BRICS Education, D. Vos, Ewelina K. Niemczyk, Humanities and Social Sciences, Zacharias L. de Beer
The decolonisation of the curriculum project: The affordances of indigenous knowledge for self-directed learning2019, Humanities and Social Sciences, Josef de Beer, NWU Self-directed Learning Series