Moral Issues in the Natural Sciences and Technologies2019, Chris Jones, Humanities and Social Sciences, Juri van den Heever
Genetiese bevindings in ‘n groep Afrikaners met skisofrenie2019, Health and Veterinary Sciences, J.L. Roos
The Walk Without Limbs: Searching for Indigenous Health Knowledge in a Rural South African Context2019, Gubela Mji, Health and Veterinary Sciences
Self-Directed Learning for the 21st Century: Implications for Higher Education2019, Elsa Mentz, Humanities and Social Sciences, Josef de Beer, NWU Self-directed Learning Series, Roxanne Bailey
Martin Luther: ‘n Inleiding tot sy lewe, denke en geskrifte2019, HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies Supplement (HTS) Supplementum, Ignatius W.C. van Wyk, Theological and Religious Studies
A scholarly inquiry into disciplinary practices in educational institutions2019, Charl C Wolhuter, Connie B. Zulu, Humanities and Social Sciences, Izak Oosthuizen, NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity Series
Human rights in diverse education contexts2019, Elda de Waal, Humanities and Social Sciences, J.P. Rossouw, NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity Series
Re-Authoring Life Narratives After Trauma: A Holistic Narrative Model of Care2019, Charles B. Manda, HTS Religion & Society Series, Theological and Religious Studies
Missional Leadership2019, HTS Religion & Society Series, Nelus Niemandt, Theological and Religious Studies
Spirituality in diversity: South East Asia meets South Africa Towards a global view of Spiritual Counselling2019, Theological and Religious Studies, Ulrike Elsdörfer
The Language of Faith in Southern Africa: Spirit World, Power, Community, Holism2019, Hermen Kroesbergen, HTS Religion & Society Series, Theological and Religious Studies