Social work in the 21st century: Scholarship and praxis reimagined towards vulnerability2024 Published, Allucia L. Shokane, Annaline Keet, AVARSITY Books, Humanities and Social Sciences, Knowledge Pathing: Multi-, Inter- and Trans-Disciplining in Social Sciences Series, Varoshini Nadesan
Problematising Local Indigenous Community Research: Afro-Sensed Perspectives2021 Published, Allucia L. Shokane, Humanities and Social Sciences, Kelly J. Gross, Knowledge Pathing: Multi-, Inter- and Trans-Disciplining in Social Sciences Series, Mogomme A. Masoga
Issues Around Aligning Theory, Research and Practice in Social Work Education2018, Allucia L. Shokane, Humanities and Social Sciences, Jabulani C. Makhubele, Knowledge Pathing: Multi-, Inter- and Trans-Disciplining in Social Sciences Series, Lisa V. Blitz