Latest Scholarly Book Published – A critical engagement with theological education in Africa: A South African perspective
Editors: Johannes J. Knoetze & Alfred R. Brunsdon
The scholarly book titled, A critical engagement with theological education in Africa: A South African perspective, has been published by AOSIS Scholarly Books.
The higher education landscape has arguably become one of the most arduous to traverse. More so in the African context, where a host of variables continuously challenge educators to reflect critically on their philosophies and practices as they engage an ever-changing audience. In this book, a critical engagement with theological education in Africa is offered. As the book originates from South Africa, it is presented as a South African perspective, although contributors are situated across the African continent and abroad. The common denominator is that all contributors are, in some way or another, invested in theological education in Africa.
The main contribution of this collaborative work is to be sought in the insights it offers on four main areas of theological education: A historical and current orientation on theological education in Africa, some paradigm shifts in theological education in Africa, ministerial formation needs versus theological education challenges, and a critical reflection on elective models and methods. Read more.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Johannes J. Knoetze, Alfred R. Brunsdon (Volume editor)