Call for Papers: KOEDOE – African Protected Area Conservation and Science
This is an open invitation to contribute your latest research manuscripts the open access scholarly journal, Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science.
Koedoe: African Protected Area Science and Management is the premier open access journal in research on the conservation of natural and cultural assets in protected areas, particularly in Africa. Acknowledging the human and biophysical dimensions of many conservation issues, Koedoe accepts topical papers from all relevant natural and social science disciplines, including inter-disciplinary investigations and perspectives.
Koedoe works towards understanding, documenting and mitigating the negative influences of human development on conservation areas within the context of complex socio-ecological interactions. It publishes stimulating original research, essays and short papers on issues of general interest, in-depth and critical reviews, book reviews on new releases and checklists, which lay the foundation for the development of more scientific research and management.
The journal publishes one issue each year. Articles are published online when ready for publication and then printed in an end-of-year compilation. Additional issues may be published for special events (e.g. conferences) and when special themes are addressed.
Authors are encouraged to submit original manuscripts online. View the submissions procedure here. Please visit our submissions guidelines page to get the full details on the types of articles that gets published.
The journal has a double-blinded peer review process. Manuscripts are initially examined by editorial staff and are sent by the Editor-in-Chief to two expert independent reviewers, either directly or by a Section Editor. Read our full peer review process.
Kind regards,
Dr. Abel Ramoelo
Published by AOSIS.