Laureatus Awards – 2021
The annual AOSIS Laureatus Awards is a prestigious awards ceremony where we acknowledge the hard work and dedication of authors and researchers who are making an impact in our scholarly community. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we have adapted with the times to bring you the 2021 awards ceremony virtually.
It is with great pleasure that we give recognition to the following winners:
Scholarly Journal Awards:
- The Southern African Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management indexed in SCOPUS
- Health SA Gesondheid – Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences indexed in PubMed Central
- African Journal of Psychological Assessment indexed in DOAJ
- South African Family Practice indexed in DOAJ
- Theologia Viatorum indexed in DOAJ
- South African Journal of Childhood Education indexed in the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
- South African Journal of Industrial Psychology indexed in the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
- Most cited article in the Health and Veterinary Sciences scholarly domain: Adult antiretroviral therapy guidelines 2017 – The Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine
- Most cited article in the Economic and Management Sciences scholarly domain: Tales of the unexpected: Integrating career shocks in the contemporary careers literature – SA Journal of Industrial Psychology
- Most cited article in the Theological & Religious Studies scholarly domain: Models of disability: A brief overview – HTS Theological Studies
- Most cited article in the Science, Engineering and Technology scholarly domain: The impact of climate change on food security in South Africa: Current realities and challenges ahead – Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies
- Most cited article in the Humanities and Social Sciences scholarly domain: The counter-terrorist campus: Securitisation theory and university securitisation – Three Models – Transformation in Higher Education
- Most cited article in the Humanities and Social Sciences scholarly domain: Finding the plot in South African reading education – Reading & Writing
Scholarly Book Awards:
- The most downloaded book in the scholarly domain, Health and Veterinary Sciences: The Walk Without Limbs
- The most downloaded book in the scholarly domain, Theological and Religious Studies: Triumphant Love: The contextual, creative and strategic missionary work of Amy Beatrice Carmichael in South India
- The most downloaded book in the scholarly domain, Humanities and Social Sciences: Moral Issues in the Natural Sciences and Technologies
- The most downloaded book in the scholarly domain, Economic and Management Sciences: Critical management studies in the South African context
- The most downloaded book in the scholarly domain, Science, Engineering & Technology: Integrated Transboundary Water-Climate Management Tools
Thank you for your interest in our endeavours and congratulations to all the recipients of awards. We are immensely proud of your achievements and it is an honour to be associated with your work.