Happy 2021
Following a bumpy and challenging 2020, the new year has certainly kicked off with a bang, and we would like to wish all our clients a Happy New Year full of success and prosperity.
With the ongoing lockdown, we want to assure you that AOSIS is still fully functional, and we will continue to deliver the high quality of service you have come to expect from us.
We are excited to announce that AOSIS (eCPD Department) recently joined the ranks of ADESSA members.
Associated Distributors of Educational Supplies in Southern Africa
is a body that represents educational suppliers in their dealings with government departments, educational institutions, and other interested parties. It is independent of the government and is funded by subscriptions from member companies.
ADESSA aims to:
- promote sound and ethical business practices
- ensure high quality and good value in products and services for education
- communicate effectively with the government, fellow members, and educational institutions
- encourage and foster strategic partnerships
We look forward to a long and prosperous business relationship.