AOSIS eLearning – Tested Moodle plugin: Bulk resend new account email
Let’s say you have the scenario where there are users who are struggling to log in. They may claim they did not receive the initial system email that is sent, or their login details are not working.
It is time consuming to access each user’s profile to retrieve their username and create a new password for them. In some companies, it may be prohibited to access another person’s account dues to security blocks, even if there is a forced password change.
As a solution, this plugin allows the teacher/ manager to go to Site admin-> Users-> Bulk user action, and then select the users they want to resend the initial welcome email to again. In the action dropdown, select resend new account details and Moodle will then resend their initial login email with their username and password.
If the user still says they did not receive their login details, ask the user to check in their spam folder as the email may be identified as spam in their mailbox. View plugin.
We are a Certified Moodle Partner and can assist with its installation.
If you have any questions then please contact us at