The South African Journal of Business Management is now open access and published by AOSIS
AOSIS is pleased to announce that the South African Journal of Business Management, a research journal of the University of Stellenbosch Business School, has joined our collection of open access journals.
As an open access journal, readers now have unrestricted access to all the journal articles. Studies have shown that open access articles are twice as likely to be cited as their non-open access counterparts (source). They increase the readership and the impact of an article, particularly in developing countries (source), and there is a 77% economic advantage to publishing in open access (source). AOSIS supports the statement made by the National Research Foundation, in March 2015, requiring all publicly funded research to be made available in open access. We believe that open access is the way forward to move research from obscurity into the public domain — where it can be of most use (source).
When you publish your research in an open access journal, you retain the non-exclusive right to do anything you wish with the published article(s), provided you cite the details of the original publication in the relevant journal, as set out in the official citation of the article published in the journal. The retained right specifically includes the right to post the article on the authors’ or their institution’s websites or in institutional repositories.
The South African Journal of Business Management continues to publish articles that are important for management theory and practice, and covers all aspects of managerial theory and management practice. Read more about the journal focus and scope.
When you write for the journal, the new website allows you to track and participate in all the activities related to the processing of your manuscript, such as the review process, copy editing, layout editing and proofing of manuscripts, which are all managed on the electronic platform.
Please visit the journal website and contact us should you have any questions on the submission guidelines and procedures.
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