Publish with the South African Family Practice Journal
Publish with South African Family Practice.
The South African Family Practice (SAFP) journal is the official journal of the South African Academy of Family Physicians (SAAFP), and is aimed at all SAAFP members (including family physicians, registrars, associate members, students), working within primary care (both private and public health sectors, as well as urban and rural practice settings) within South Africa and the wider region. SAFP is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, which strives to provide primary care physicians (and their teams), as well as researchers, with a broad range of scholarly work in the disciplines of family medicine, primary health care, rural medicine, district health and other related fields. SAFP publishes original research, clinical reviews, and pertinent commentary that advance the knowledge base of these disciplines. Read more…
The journal is accredited by the DHET and listed on the following approved indexing services:
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) – DHET Approved index from 2021
All articles published in the journal are included in:
- African Index Medicus
- African Journals Online (AJOL)
- CAB Abstracts
- Cabells Journalytics
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- EBSCO Host
- Embase
- EMCare
- GALE, CENGAGE Learning
- Global Health
- Google Scholar
- PubMed / Medline
- PubMed Central
Should you wish to submit a research manuscript towards this publication, we encouraged you to do so online. View the submissions procedure here. Please visit our submissions guidelines page to get the full details on the types of articles that gets published.
The journal has a double-blinded peer review process. Manuscripts are initially examined by editorial staff and are sent by the Editor-in-Chief to two expert independent reviewers, either directly or by a Section Editor. Read our full peer review process.