Latest scholarly book published in Economic and Management Sciences
The published scholarly book titled Africa’s digital future: From theory to action, is the latest edition to our ever-expanding catalogue of open access academic books.
The book, edited by Wilma Viviers, Ali Parry and Susara (Adelia) J. Jansen van Rensburg, is the latest edition to the Economic and Management Sciences scholarly domain.
The main thrust of this book is to examine whether Africa is in a position to benefit from the digital age, given the continent’s many development challenges and slow adoption of digital technologies. While there is substantial literature on the digital economy and the quickening pace of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), comparatively little research has been conducted on what the digital age means for Africa. This book aims to close this research gap by using various qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to arrive at a cross-section of original findings and perspectives on how Africa can capitalise on the benefits of digital developments, including their potential to create jobs and bring about more inclusive growth. Read more…
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