AOSIS proudly announces full ownership of HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies (HTS)
African Online Scientific Information Systems (Pty) Ltd (AOSIS) proudly announces that it has taken full ownership of HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies (HTS) after publishing and distributing the journal for years on behalf of the Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa (NRCA). The main purpose of this transfer of ownership is to establish HTS as a fully independent and multidisciplinary journal in theology and religious studies.
Founded in 1943 by the NRCA, HTS has for nearly 75 years made significant contributions to international theology by championing multidisciplinary approaches to theological inquiry along with traditional apologetics and biblical exegeses. It is the largest international theological journal indexed in Scopus®, the world’s most comprehensive abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Among theological journals, it recorded the seventh-highest number of citations in Scopus for 2018. HTS is also indexed in the Web of Science: Arts & Humanities Citation Index.
The journal’s Editor in Chief, Professor Emeritus Andries G. van Aarde of the University of Pretoria, will remain at the helm after his reappointment for another term, and the editorial board will remain unchanged until the next scheduled round of appointments. HTS’s article-processing charges will remain unchanged for 2020.
Just as importantly, HTS will maintain and strengthen its commitment to open access, making its contents freely available to scholars, institutions, and the general public.
The ownership of HTS by AOSIS is the culmination of a long and fruitful partnership. AOSIS has been publishing HTS for ten years, managing the journal’s production, presentation and distribution while the NRCA oversaw its content and peer-review process.
AOSIS began publishing open-source journals in 2008, with just three titles. It now publishes 45, each advancing its commitment to publishing the best and latest scholarship from Africa and making it freely available to all who seek it. Its titles account for 15% of South Africa’s total number of scholarly journals.
Like HTS, 60% of all journals published by AOSIS are indexed in Scopus, a mark of their impact. In 2017 and 2018, AOSIS journals merited more than 10,000 citations in articles published by other scholarly journals, indicating that AOSIS journals are not simply read. They are productive participants in the scholarly conversations surrounding dozens of disciplines, and recognized as such.
Other theological titles published by AOSIS are In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi, published by the Reformed Theological Society, and the highly interdisciplinary Theologia Viatorum and Verbum et Ecclesia. To learn more about HTS, please visit its website:
Trots kondig AOSIS volle eienaarskap aan van HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies
African Online Scientific Information Systems (Pty) Ltd (AOSIS) kondig trots aan dat dit nou volle eienaarskap het van HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies (HTS) nadat dit die joernaal reeds jare lank namens die Nederduits Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (NHKA) versprei het. Die hoofdoel van die oordrag van eienaarskap is om HTS as ’n ten volle onafhanklike en multidisiplinêre joernaal in die teologie en godsdiensstudies te vestig.
Die HTS is reeds in 1943 deur die NHKA in die lewe geroep en maak al amper 75 jaar lank ’n betekenisvolle bydrae tot internasionale teologie deur ʼn multidissiplinêre benadering tot teologiese ondersoek, saam met die tradisionele apologetiek en Bybelse eksegese, voor te staan. Dit is die grootste internasionale teologiese joernaal wat geïndekseer is in Scopus®, die wêreld se mees omvattende opsomming- en sitasie-databasis van eweknie-geëvalueerde literatuur. Van al die teologiese joernale het HTS in 2018 die sewende meeste sitasies in Scopus. HTS is ook geïndekseer in die Web of Science: Arts and Humanities Citation Index.
Die joernaal se hoofredakteur, emeritus professor Andries G. van Aarde, van die Universiteit van Pretoria, sal aan stuur van sake bly na sy heraanstelling vir ’n volgende termyn, terwyl die redaksie onveranderd bly tot na die volgende geskeduleerde ronde van aanstellings. Die artikelprosessering-koste van HTS sal in 2020 ook onveranderd bly. Net so belangrik is die feit dat HTS sy verbintenis tot oop toegang behou en versterk sodat die inhoud vrylik vir studente, instellings en lede van die algemene publiek beskikbaar sal bly.
Die eienaarskap van HTS is vir AOSIS die kulminasie van ’n lang, vrugbare vennootskap. AOSIS gee HTS al tien jaar lank uit en bestuur die joernaal se produksie, aanbieding en verspreiding, terwyl die NHKA toesig oor die inhoud en eweknie-evaluering hou.
AOSIS het oopbron-joernale in 2008 begin publiseer, met net drie titels. Tans word 45 joernale uitgegee, elkeen verbind tot die publikasie van die beste en jongste vakkundigheid uit Afrika deur dit vrylik beskikbaar te maak vir almal wat belangstel. Dié titels verteenwoordig 15% van Suid-Afrika se totale getal vakjoernale.
Nes HTS, is 60% van al die joernale wat AOSIS uitgee in Scopus geïndekseer. In 2017 en 2018 is AOSIS se joernale reeds meer as 10 000 keer aangehaal in artikels gepubliseer deur ander vaktydskrifte, wat daarop dui dat dié joernale nie net gelees word nie. Hul inhoud is ook produktief deel van vakkundige diskoerse in tientalle dissiplines, en word as sulks erken.
Ander teologiese titels wat AOSIS publiseer, is In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi, gepubliseer deur die Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging, asook die hoogs interdissiplinêre Theologia Viatorum en Verbum et Ecclesia.
Om meer omtrent HTS vas te stel, besoek asseblief ons webwerf: