SPECIAL ISSUE CALL FOR PAPERS: Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review (APSDPR)
THEME: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Re-Awakening the Prevailing Global System and the Emergence of the New World Order
The Institute for Development Assistance Management (IDAM), University of Fort Hare, Republic of South Africa in collaboration with the Jinan University, People’s Republic of China, are pleased to release the special call for papers for the Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review (APSDPR) scholarly journal on the above theme.
Important dates:
Submissions for abstracts: 30th of May 2020
Draft for independent Adjudicators: 30th June 2020
Final acceptance and Publication: To be communicated to the individual authors
Submission enquiries:
AOSIS Publishing: special-issues@aosis.co.za
Visit the journal website at www.apsdpr.org.