Education leadership: Scoping, perspectives and future trajectory is published by AOSIS Scholarly Books.
Leadership in education has been demonstrated to make a measurable and significant impact on the success of schools and the achievement levels of learners. Education leadership: Scoping perspectives and future trajectory displays the scope and range of the emerging field of the scholarship of education leadership by means of chapters zooming in on various areas of research in the field. The ensuing chapters focusing on various areas in the field of Education Leadership scholarship are ordered in the following categories: chapters dealing with teacher leadership, school leadership, and mid-level leadership. The sections cover Collective Teacher efficacy in high-performing high schools in South Africa, leadership and leadership challenges of school principals of special schools, entrepreneurial leadership, perceptions of school staff and school governing bodies regarding the use and maintenance of ageing school facilities, and continuous professional development of teachers in Namibia. All the chapters employ a variety of research methods. The research reported on in each of the chapters does not only give clear indications as to how and where to improve practice but also opens vistas for new and future research, suggesting to scholars in the field promising ways to take the field forward with research critical to the continual advance and relevance of the field.
Copyright (c) 2022 Leentjie van Jaarsveld, Charl C. Wolhuter, C.P. van der Vyver (Volume editor)
Leadership in education has been demonstrated to make a measurable and significant impact on the success of schools and the achievement levels of learners. This volume displays the scope and range of the emerging field of education leadership by means of chapters zooming in on various areas
of research in the field. The ensuing chapters focusing on various areas in the field of education leadership scholarship are ordered in the following categories: chapters dealing with teacher leadership, school leadership, and mid-level leadership. The sections contain collective teacher efficacy
in high-performing high schools in South Africa, leadership and leadership challenges of school principals of special education schools, entrepreneurial leadership, perceptions of school staff and school governing bodies regarding use and maintenance of aging school facilities, and continuous professional
development of teachers in Namibia. The mid-level leadership section refers to challenges and expectations regarding role conflict and role ambiguity in mid-level management, instructional leader role of heads of departments at parallel-medium primary schools, and views from heads of departments,
principals and department officials on enabling heads of departments for their curriculum leadership roles. All the chapters employ a variety of research methods. Some chapters are position papers and conceptual chapters, while others are based on empirical research. The research reported on in each of
the chapters not only gives clear indications as to how and where to improve practice, but also opens vistas for new and future research, suggesting to scholars in the field promising ways to take the field forward with research critical to the continual advance and relevance of the field.