Podcast interview with Prof. Petro du Preez, Editor-in-Chief of Transformation in Higher Education journal
Find out the critical issues the Transformation in Higher Education journal addresses, how and why it came into being, its theme for this year and how it appeals to a broad interdisciplinary readership.
Listen to Prof. Petro du Preez, editor-in-chief of the Transformation in Higher Education journal, in this five-minute podcast interview.
Open Access TRANSFORMATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION journal addresses matters of critical transformation in higher education
In 2016, AOSIS and its editor-in-chief, Prof. Petro Du Preez, launched the double-blind peer review, open access Transformation in Higher Education journal. The journal creates a platform for academics, PhD students and people with an interest in higher education and related topics to address matters of critical transformation in higher education. The topics should focus on higher education and cover its political, economic, and cultural aspects. The topic of doctoral education as a field of study within higher education can also be included. Conceptual, philosophical, and empirical works addressing matters that could lead to the intellectual advancement in higher education as a discipline are welcomed. Learn more.
Addressed issues
The higher education landscape in South African and abroad is changing rapidly in terms of who can access higher education institutions and what the impact of the commercialisation and internationalisation of education is on higher education institutions. Accordingly, there is a need to address ongoing transformation and to challenge the previous static idea of higher education. Also, there is a need to focus on the link between human rights as a transformative drive and its intersection with higher education discourses.
Readership value
The journal has a wide interdisciplinary readership that is of interest not only to people in the fields of education and higher education but also includes leading researchers with a wide range of professional associations with higher education and students who engage in higher education contexts.
Research contributions
Esteemed scholars from around the world have contributed 14 original research articles to our prestigious Transformation in Higher Education Journal. One article that has been downloaded 19 637 times is Decolonisation of higher education: Dismantling epistemic violence and Eurocentrism in South Africa by Savo Heleta. Another article recently published this year, has already been downloaded 492 times. The article by Jacques Rothmann addresses issues of LGBTIQ+ in A social constructionist approach to resilience for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and/or questioning academics and students in South African universities. A contested concept that is continually addressed, due to its changing nature, is what transformation in higher education means.
AOSIS is reaching out to you for another unique contribution which addresses matters of critical transformation in higher education. Browse the journal issues.
Theme for 2018
This year’s theme for the journal is: New frontiers for transformation in higher education: contestations and contradictions. Globally, the higher education landscape has undergone a certain amount of transformation. Although there has been a certain level of progress as a result of this changing landscape, the question remains: what future contestations and contradictions will higher education face? This topic requires interdisciplinary, critical, deconstructive and material discursive engagement with new frontiers for transformation in higher education.
Submission overview
When you submit an article for the journal, you will be able to track and participate in all the activities related to the processing of it, such as the review process, copy editing, layout editing and proofing of manuscripts, which are all managed on the electronic platform.
Please visit the journal website and contact us should you have any questions on submission guidelines and procedures.
Authors receive the Publication of the Year Award: 2017
Our esteemed authors, Melanie K. Smith and Vilmos Vass, received the Publication of the Year Award: 2017 from the Budapest Metropolitan University for their article: The relationship between internationalisation, creativity and transformation: A case study of higher education in Hungary published on 18 September 2017. To date the article has had 546 downloads.
It is indeed an honour to receive articles from such esteemed authors, and we look forward to receiving many more such contributions to the journal from scholars around the world.