Celebrating Peer review Week 2021
We are celebrating Peer Review Week this week. The official theme for this week is “Identity in Peer Review,” which was selected via an open global survey.
Peer Review Week is an annually hosted virtual scholarly communication event celebrating the value of peer review. To find out more about virtual events and activities to highlight the role of personal and social identity in peer review and ways the scholarly community can foster more diverse, equitable, and inclusive peer review practices, please visit https://bit.ly/3CnErjm.
AOSIS publishes a total of 45 open access scholarly journals across five academic domains. All our journals have a double-blinded peer review process. Manuscripts are initially examined by the editorial staff and are sent by the Editor-in-Chief to two expert independent reviewers, either directly or by a Section Editor. Read more about our full peer review process. https://aosis.co.za/legal-centre/#peer_review
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