Call for Papers: HTS Special Collection 2021 – Women Theologies
CALL FOR PAPERS: HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies
Women are active interlocutors in theology, and they use theology to approach their daily and diverse struggles. Theirs is a theology of hope, life, liberation, empowerment, affirmation, solidarity, resurrection, freedom, commitment, advocacy and transforming praxis.
Mercy Oduyoye, the founder of the Circle of Concerned African women theologians (Thereafter Circle) in her opening address to the Circle founding 1989 meeting, advocated for a ‘two-winged theology’ through which both women and men could communicate with God. She uses the symbol of a flying bird to explain that theology without the faith reflections of women is like a bird with only one wing, disabled and unable to take off to the air. She argues that personal and lived experience is a valid source for understanding gender issues in the organisation of human society (Oduyoye 1995:174).
Theology without women’s voices and lived experiences is half cooked, distorted and cannot be life-affirming. Their role in religion, culture, politics, economics and other sectors of life is very crucial in theology. This special issue aims to explore, interrogate and reflect on the ways in which women are theologically understood, contextualised and represented in contemporary public (theology, faith, culture, media, work, technology etc.) and private spaces (marriage, family, faith etc.).
The special issue calls for research papers that interrogate the link between women theology, gender, body, land, race, class, colonialism, globalisation, technology, development, migration etc. Articles may interact with one or more of the various policies and goals at the global and regional levels such as the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [Agenda, 2030] and Africa Agenda 2063.
This call for papers is intended to solicit insights and viewpoints from researchers, academics, and scholars regarding Women Theology. Interested authors are encouraged to submit their conceptual and empirical papers addressing the theme of this special issue.
Recommended Topics:
This issue could include articles covering the following (this is not an exhaustive list, and other related topics on women theology could also be included):
• Women theology in oral literature (Proverbs, folktales, sayings, myths and songs).
• The interplay of women theology and masculine theology in a quest for gender justice.
• Re-imaginations of women theology and female body, gerontology, childhood, adolescence, marriage, family, community, faith, culture, God, disability, reproductive health, motherhood, fatherhood, widowhood.
• Women theology and transnational Sexualities.
• Women theology, science and technology,
• Women theology and the epidemics (Covid-19 and HIV and AIDS)
• Women theology, economy and development focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [Agenda, 2030] and Africa Agenda 2063.
The articles will need to be aligned with the above context and will follow the normal peer review process and publication fees. All submissions will undergo anonymous review to guarantee high scientific quality and relevance to the subject.
Submission Procedure:
The collection will be published by means of rolling publication in 2021, which means that we will need your article by 01 March 2021. To submit your article to the collection, go to When you submit the article, select the “Original Research – Special Collection: Women Theology” as article type. The submission portal will be accessible on For more details on the editorial procedures, go to
Manuscripts should adhere to the authors’ guidelines, with 5000-7000 words per article, the Harvard referencing orthography, as well as an unstructured abstract of 150-250 words and list of 8-10 key terms. The complete author guidelines is available here, All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review basis. Papers must follow the Harvard style for reference citations.
All inquiries can be directed to the attention of:
Of course, we will be happy to provide you with any assistance during the submission process. Kindly enquire at
Or alternatively,
Dr Sinenhlahla S. Chisale, email:
Dr Tanya van Wyk, email:
Oduyoye, M. A. 1989. “The Search for A Two-Winged Theology: Women’s Participation in the Development of Theology in Africa,” from Talitha, Qumi!: Proceedings of the Convocation of African Women Theologians 1989, Story by Mercy Amba Oduyoye and Musimbi Kanyoro (Ibadan, Nigeria: SWL Press, 1990).
Submission due date:
01 March 2021
Guest Editors:
Dr Sinenhlahla S. Chisale
Religious Studies, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
Dr Tanya van Wyk
Systematic and Historical Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa