AOSIS Publishing partners with CrossMark® and ORCID for publishing excellence
In pursuit of the highest standards of publishing excellence, AOSIS Publishing has started using CrossMark® and ORCID in its online publications.
CrossMark® helps readers and researchers to access the most up-to-date versions of published research. As careful as authors, reviewers and publishers are in the publication process, article corrections, updates, errata, retractions and withdrawals are sometimes necessary. To use CrossMark® readers simply click on the CrossMark® icon attached to PDFs or HTML documents and a status box tells them if their document is current.
ORCID allows scholars and researchers to create their own online identifier that links all their research and publication activities in one registry. This resolves the challenge of having to enter these details in multiple information systems that cross disciplines, institutions and geographical borders. With ORCID a single ID allows a researcher to manage their full record of activities through the ORCID Registry, with APIs that support system-to-system communication and authentication.
Both CrossMark® and ORCID are not-for-profit tools that complement AOSIS Publishing’s open source philosophy.