Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science, a scholarly journal published by AOSIS, is the premier open access journal in research on the conservation of natural and cultural assets in protected areas, particularly in Africa. Acknowledging the human and biophysical dimensions of many conservation issues, Koedoe accepts topical papers from all relevant natural and social science disciplines, including inter-disciplinary investigations and perspectives.
In existence since 1958, Koedoe aims to provide a forum that facilitates the integration and sharing of learning about protected areas that have become increasingly important in maintaining habitats, species, ecosystem services and in ensuring socio-environmental resilience at many levels. Africa’s unique natural and cultural heritage, together with some of the largest protected areas in the world, are of critical significance.
The abstract highlights the importance of protected areas and natural and cultural heritage sites and it concludes with a 50-word summary statement termed ‘Conservation implications’, in which authors succinctly highlight the core outcomes of their research and the implications thereof for conservation practice. Global biodiversity faces increasing pressures and protected areas become increasingly important in ensuring environmental resilience through the maintenance of habitats, species and ecosystem services. Africa’s unique socio-ecological systems, together with some of the largest protected areas in the world, are globally important. As tourism initiatives are frequently centred on protected areas, they provide economic stimulus in otherwise marginalised regions. Consolidated protected areas are becoming increasingly fragmented under pressure from development and other global environmental change drivers, so the need to disseminate reliable scientific and policy information is essential.
Koedoe works towards understanding, documenting and mitigating the negative influences of human development on conservation areas within the context of complex socio-ecological interactions. It publishes stimulating original research, essays and short papers on issues of general interest, in-depth and critical reviews, book reviews on new releases and checklists, which lay the foundation for the development of more scientific research and management.