International trade and recovery strategies in Kenya in the context of COVID-192022 Published, Economic and Management Sciences, Tabitha Kiriti-Nganga
Working with indigenous knowledge: Strategies for health professionals2022 Published, Fhumulani Mavis Mulaudzi, Health and Veterinary Sciences, Rachel T. Lebese
Innovations in online teaching and learning: Case studies of teacher educators from South Africa during the COVID-19 era2022 Published, Humanities and Social Sciences, Judah P. Makonye, Nokulunga S. Ndlovu
Scholarship of education and human rights in diversity: Engaging discourses from the South2022 Published, Charl C Wolhuter, Erika M. Serfontein, Humanities and Social Sciences, NWU Education and Human Rights in Diversity Series, Shantha Naidoo
Resilience in a VUCA world: Reflections on teaching, learning and health in turbulent times2022 Published, Annette Potgieter, HTS Religion & Society Series, Theological and Religious Studies
Perspectives on comprehensive internationalisation of higher education2022 Published, Gift Mugano, Humanities and Social Sciences, Nirmala Dorasamy
Environmental ergonomics: Commercial kitchens in a semi-tropical city2022 Published, Humanities and Social Sciences, Sasi Gangiah
Higher education for public good: Perspectives on the new academic landscape in South Africa2022 Published, Humanities and Social Sciences, Noluthando S. Matsiliza
Transformation of learning and teaching in rehabilitation sciences: A case study from South Africa2022 Published, Dawn V. Ernstzen, Faeza Bardien, Health and Veterinary Sciences, Human Functioning, Technology and Health, Lee-Ann J. Jacobs-Nzuzi Khuabi
Recalibrating teacher training in African higher education institutions: A focus on 21st-century pedagogical challenges2022 Published, Gideon van Tonder, Humanities and Social Sciences, Sifiso Sibanda, Washington T. Dudu
States of exclusion: A critical systems theory reading of international law2022 Published, Humanities and Social Sciences, Nicolaas Buitendag
Education for sustainable development in BRICS: Zoom on higher education2022 Published, BRICS Education, Ewelina K. Niemczyk, Humanities and Social Sciences, Zacharias L. de Beer