The biblical concept of the ‘Davidic Covenant’ in 2 Samuel and Ezekiel and its implications for African leadership2023 Published, HTS Religion & Society Series, Theological and Religious Studies, Victor Lonu Budha
Innovative curriculum design: Bridging the theory–practice divide in work-integrated learning to foster Self-Directed Learning2023 Published, Adri du Toit, Elsa Mentz, Humanities and Social Sciences, Neal Petersen, NWU Self-directed Learning Series, Robert J Balfour
Problem-based learning and pedagogies of play: Active approaches towards Self-Directed Learning2023 Published, Byron J Bunt, Humanities and Social Sciences, Jako Olivier, Marietjie Havenga, NWU Self-directed Learning Series
Biblical Theology of prayer in the New Testament2023 Published, Albert J Coetsee, Francois P Viljoen, Reformed Theology in Africa Series, Theological and Religious Studies
Biblical Theology of prayer in the Old Testament2023 Published, Albert J Coetsee, Francois P Viljoen, Reformed Theology in Africa Series, Theological and Religious Studies
Space, people and technology: Reclaiming the narrative on cities2023 Published, Amira Osman, AVARSITY Books, Geci Karuri-Sebina, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Built Environment in Emerging Economies (BEinEE): Cities, Space and Transformation
Living Water: An interdisciplinary exploration of water as a theological theme2023 Published, AVARSITY Books, Kobus van der Walt, Manitza Kotzé, Reformed Theology in Africa Series, Theological and Religious Studies
Finding a moral compass for South Africa: Where are we? Where could we go?2023 Published, JM Vorster, Theological and Religious Studies
Azibuye emasisweni: Reclaiming our space and centring our knowledge2023 Published, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mogobe B Ramose, Nompumelelo Z Radebe, Zethu Cakata
Promoting sustainable local economic development initiatives: Case studies2022 Published, Center for Local Economic Development: Topics in Local Development, Economic and Management Sciences, Marius Venter
Innovation for inclusive development and transformation in South Africa2022 Published, Charles Hongoro, Cyril Adonis, Humanities and Social Sciences, Konosoang Sobane
Complexities and challenges in preventive audiology: An African perspective2022 Published, Health and Veterinary Sciences, Katijah Khoza-Shangase