VACANCY: Assistant Editor for ‘HTS Theological Studies’
VACANCY: Assistant Editor for HTS Theological Studies
The Editor-in-Chief of HTS Theological Studies, Professor Eugene Baron, invites applications from members of the academic community to join the journal’s Editorial Team as Assistant Editor.
Deadline for applications: 31 January 2025
As an Assistant Editor, you will have the opportunity to work on a variety of special collections and sections.
Responsibilities of the Assistant Editor include
- managing the peer-review process for scholarly submissions and revisions
- making recommendations for final decisions and liaising with authors
- overseeing the revision of articles in accordance with the journal’s peer review policy
- selecting and inviting reviewers based on ethical policies and procedures
- providing a final decision recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief
- assisting the Editor-in-Chief in soliciting submissions and encouraging compelling academic research
- encouraging the Editorial Board to commission articles within their areas of expertise
- commissioning special collection proposals on current topics of interest
- advocating for the journal and promoting it whenever possible
- managing deadlines with strong organisational and communication skills.
To ensure success as an Assistant Editor, it is recommended to have a keen eye for excellent writing, exhibit good judgment, and be able to manage projects to completion. A top-notch Assistant Editor will bring several years of experience in various writing and editing roles in theology or related fields to the table and display a keen grasp of the open access scholarly publishing industry.
The compensation for this role will be discussed and agreed upon in the contract, ensuring a fair and mutually beneficial arrangement.
Preference will be given to suitably qualified woman candidates.
All applications can be submitted here and require the following information:
- A letter of motivation for your application, with personal contact details and specific reference to a publication history in a suitable academic field as well as to past editorial experience
- A link to an abridged Curriculum Vitae (CV) (include only the relevant information)
- Contact details of two professional/academic references
- Current institutional affiliation(s)
- ORCID with a fully populated online ORCID profile
- Scopus ID (optional but advantageous)
- Google Scholar ID (optional but advantageous).
AOSIS will contact all potential candidates once a decision has been made. Potential candidates may be asked to attend an interview. For any further information or queries, please email us at
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