Highlighted articles from 2024: ‘SA Journal of Radiology’
Highlighted articles from 2024 for the SA Journal of Radiology
Four articles published in the open-access SA Journal of Radiology have been selected as the highlighted articles from 2024, chosen for their relevance and instruction on key issues. Congratulations to the authors of these articles!
Case report
Authored by Luis Perez-Carro, Oscar Perez-Fernandez, Alvaro Cerezal Canga, Jegathesan T, Luis Antonio Ruiz-Villanueva, and Luis Cerezal-Pesquera: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajr.v28i1.2874
Case series
Imaging of pelvic floor disorders involving the posterior compartment on dynamic MR defaecography
Authored by Rajshree U. Dhadve, Karishma S. Krishnani, Tushar Kalekar, Eshan C. Durgi, Urvashi Agarwal, Suhas M., and Divyajat Kumar: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajr.v28i1.2935
Pictorial review
Mimickers of hypoxic-ischaemic brain injury in term neonates: What the radiologist should know
Authored by Shalendra K. Misser and Moherndran Archary: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajr.v28i1.2810
Our experience with liver and spleen elastography in the prediction of oesophageal varices
Authored by Shivali Arya, Rashmi Dixit, Sneha Harish C, Anjali Prakash, and Amarender S. Puri: https://doi.org/10.4102/sajr.v28i1.2724
Journal affiliation: Radiological Society of South Africa (RSSA)
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